All sermons are available on our YouTube channel.

Jan-03 | Romans 10: 9-21 | That They Might Hear! | Rev Ronald Yap
Jan-10 | 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 | Preach Christ with the Spirit’s power | Pr Luke Ng
Jan-17 | Luke 3:1-14 | Be generous; be content | Pr Luke Ng
Jan-24 | Matthew 9:9-13 | I Hope This Message Finds You Well | Mr William Lim
Jan-31 | 1 Peter 5:2-4 | Shepherd of God’s Flock | Bishop Joshua Khong
Feb-07 | Matthew 25:14-30 | Discipleship: Putting your talents to work | Rev Ronald Yap
Feb-14 | Matthew 28:5-10,16-20 | Discipleship: I am with you always | Rev Ronald Yap
Feb-21 | Job 4:1-8 | Understanding Adversity: Lessons from Job | Jerry Choo
Feb-28 | Genesis 15:1-6 | Righteousness Assigned to Abraham | Rev Hwa Jen
Mar-07 | Exodus 20:1-17 | The Commandment to Love | Rev Ronald Yap
Mar-14 | Numbers 21:4-9, John 3:14-21 | Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus | Rev Ronald Yap
Mar-21 | Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrew 10:11-25 | What’s written on your heart? | Rev Ronald Yap
Mar-28 | John 12:12-19 | Hosanna, Save Us Lord! | Jerry Choo
Apr-01 (Maundy Thursday) | Exodus 12:1-14 | By the Blood of the Lamb | Pr Luke Ng
Apr-02 (Good Friday) | Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 | By His Wounds | Rev Ronald Yap
Apr-04 (Easter Sunday) | Acts 10:34-43, Isaiah 25:6-9 | He has wiped away our tears | Rev Ronald Yap
Apr-11 | Luke 14:1-14 | Honour and Shame in the Kingdom of God Part 1 | Rev Ronald Yap
Apr-18 | Luke 14:15-24 | Honour and Shame in the Kingdom of God Part 2 | Rev Ronald Yap
Apr-25 | Luke 14:25-35 | Counting the Cost of Honour and Shame | Rev Ronald Yap
May-02 | John 1:1-18 | In The Beginning | Rev Ronald Yap
May-09 | John 2:1-12 | The First of the Signs | Pr Luke Ng
May-16 | John 4:1-26 | Ask Jesus for Living Water | Pr Luke Ng
May-23 | Luke 24:13-35 | The Wesleyan Flame | Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon
May-30 | n/a
Jun-06 | John 6:25-35 | Bread from Heaven, Bread of Life | Rev Ronald Yap
Jun-13 (MYF Sunday) | John 8:12-20 | Jesus, Our Light of Life | Rev James Ong
Jun-20 | John 10:1-18 | Jesus, The Good Shepherd | Rev Ronald Yap
Jun-27 | n/a
Jul-04 | John 14:1-7 | Jesus, The Way | Rev Ronald Yap
Jul-11 | John 15:1-17 | Remain in Love! | Rev Ronald Yap
Jul-18 | John 8:31-59 | Who is Jesus? | Mr William Lim
Jul-25 | John 10:17-19, 19:11 | I AM So That You Are | Rev Hwa Jen
Aug-01 | Romans 15:1-13 | God, Our Source of Hope | Rev Ronald Yap
Aug-08 | 1 Corinthians 4:1-13 | Mere Servants of Christ | Rev Ronald Yap
Aug-15 (Church Anniversary) | 1 Corinthians 3:5-11 | Standing on the shoulders of saints before us | Bishop Joshua Khong
Aug-22 | John 13:34-35, 17:20-23, Ephesians 4:15-16 | The Heart of Kingdom Family | Mr Jonathan Kwok
Sep-05 | Isaiah 9:1-7 | He will make your darkness bright | Rev Ronald Yap
Sep-12 | Isaiah 30:1-18 | Wait Upon The Lord | Pr Luke Ng
Sep-19 | Isaiah 44:24 – 45: 13 | There Is No Other! | Rev Ronald Yap
Sep-26 | Isaiah 61:1-11, Luke 4:14-21 | Anointed to Proclaim Good News | Rev Hwa Jen
Oct 3 | Jeremiah 6:16-20, 7:1-11 | Rest for Your Soul | Rev Ronald Yap
Oct 10 | Jeremiah 21:11-14 | Do Justice, Rescue the Oppressed | Mr Jerry Choo
Oct 17 | Jeremiah 36:1-20 | Persevere in the Lord | Rev Ronald Yap
Oct 24 | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 | Be Joyful, Pray, Give Thanks | Pr Khor Kheng Hoon
Oct-31 | Jeremiah 31:15-40 | God of Hope | Mr William Lim
Nov-07 | Hebrews 8:1-13 | Being God’s People | Rev Ronald Yap
Nov-14 | Hebrews 11:1-16 | Live by Faith | Mr William Lim
Nov-21 | Hebrews 12:1-17 | Persevering in Holiness | Rev Ronald Yap
Nov-28 | Hebrews 13:1-21 | The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid | Mr Jerry Choo
Dec-05 | Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 3:1-6 | Prepare the Way | Rev Ronald Yap
Dec-12 | Zephaniah 3:14-20, Luke 3:7-18 | The Promised Coming | Mr William Lim
Dec-19 | Micah 5:2-5a, Luke 1:39-55 | He is Our Peace | Rev Ronald Yap
Dec-24 | Christmas Evening Candlelight Service of Word and Carols
Dec-25 | Luke 2:8-17 | Glory to God in the Highest | Bishop Joshua Khong
Dec-26 | Hebrews 1:1-4, John 1:1-14 | God’s Glory Revealed | Rev Ronald Yap
Dec-31 (Covenant Renewal Service) | John 17:1-19 | Knowing God | Rev Ronald Yap