All sermons are available on our YouTube channel.

7-Jan | Genesis 4:1-9, James 1:20 | Spirit Feeled Series #1: Angry Man Walking | Pr Andrew Lim
14-Jan | John 4:4-30, 39-42 | Give Me a Drink | Kok Chik Bu
21-Jan | Genesis 3:1-8, Philippians 4:11 | Spirit Feeled Series #2: No Greener Grasses | Pr Andrew Lim
28-Jan | Mark 14:32-42, Philippians 4:7 | Spirit Feeled Series #3: Sweat Drops of Blood | Pr Andrew Lim
4-Feb | Acts 16:16-26 | Spirit Feeled Series #4: Joyful in Sadness | Pr Andrew Lim
11-Feb (CNY Weekend) | Exodus 12:1-2 | Freed to Worship | William Lim
18-Feb | 1 Kings 19:1-12 | Spirit Feeled Series #5: Empty Tank | Pr Andrew Lim
25-Feb | Genesis 12:1-9 | Following God into the Unknown | Rev Hwa Jen
3-Mar | John 12:1-8 | Honouring Jesus with love and reverence | Jerry Choo
10-Mar | Exodus 32:1-6 | God in Your Own Image | Pr Andrew Lim
17-Mar | Luke 15:11-32 | False God Series #1: Barter God | Pr Andrew Lim
24-Mar (Palm Sunday) | 1 Samuel 4:1-11 | False God Series #2: Insurance God | Pr Andrew Lim
28-Mar (Maundy Thursday) | John 13:1-30 | And It Was Night | Leong Fook You (In-Person Sunrise Service)
29-Mar (Good Friday) | Psalm 22 | Forsaken by God | Rev Hwa Jen (In-Person Sunrise Service)
31-Mar (Easter Sunday) | Mark 16:1-10 | Pining for Jesus | Pr Andrew Lim (In-Person Sunrise Service)
7-Apr | Judges 17 | False God Series #3: Lucky Charm God | Pr Andrew Lim
14-Apr | Joshua 24:1-15 | False God Series #4: Butler God | Pr Andrew Lim
21-Apr | Matthew 23:23-28 | False God Series #5: Facebook God | Pr Andrew Lim
28-Apr | Nehemiah 1:1-11 | The One Whom God Uses | Bp T Jeyakumar
5-May | Isaiah 6:1-5 | False God Series #6: Teddy Bear God | Pr Andrew Lim
12-May | Exodus 1:15 – 2:10 | Women of Faith and Courage | Faith Goode
19-May (Pentecost Sunday) | Acts 8:26-41 | Following the Lord However He Leads You | Pr Hwa Jen
26-May | Luke 2:39-52 | Seasons of Upgrades | Pr Andrew Lim
02-Jun | 1 Samuel 17:19-26 | Season of Upgrades #1: Upgrading Our Perspectives | Pr Andrew Lim
09-Jun | Proverbs 3:1-8 | Season of Upgrades #2: Upgrading Our Trust | Pr Andrew Lim
16-Jun | Psalms 90:8-12 | Season of Upgrades #3 Upgrading Our Time | Pr Andrew Lim
23-Jun | 2 Samuel 12:1-13 | Season of Upgrades #4 Upgrading Our Character | Pr Andrew Lim
30-Jun | Numbers 12:1-13 | Season of Upgrades #5: Upgrading Our Relationships | Pr Andrew Lim
01-Jul | Matthew 11:28 | Rest In The Lord | William Lim
02-Jul | Nehemiah 13:1-31 | Revival or Reversal | Kok Chik Bu
21-Jul | Matthew 6:5-8 | Can You Hear Me Now? (Part 1) | Pr Andrew Lim
28-Jul | Matthew 6:9-13 | Can You Hear Me Now? (Part 2) | Pr Andrew Lim
04-Aug | Luke 18:1-8 | Can You Hear Me Now? (Part 3) | Pr Andrew Lim
11-Aug | Genesis 15 | Our Faithful God, His Extravagant Love & Extraordinary Commitment | Faith Goode
18-Aug | Isaiah 43:16-19 | Remembering and Forgetting | Pr Andrew Lim
25-Aug | Judges 6:1-16 | Preparing for the Miraculous | Pr Andrew Lim
1-Sept | Revelation 1:1 -9 | A Message from the Lord to the Church | Pr Hwa Jen
8-Sept | Isaiah 30:15 | Dare to Trust God | Victor Tan
15-Sept | Luke 12:22-28 NLT | Are you anxious, do you worry? | Khor Kheng Hong
22-Sept | Genesis 16 | Can God be trusted? | Catherine Siew
29-Sept | Matthew 15:1-14 | Inner Purity | Leong Fook You (9am Service)
29-Sept | James 1:12-15 | Persevering with God who will not give up on me | Yong Cho Kiat (11am Service)
6-Oct | Revelation 1:10-20 | A Vision of the Lord: the Exalted Christ | Rev Hwa Jen
13-Oct | James 1:12-15 | Persevering with God who will not give up on me | Yong Cho Kiat (9am Service)
13-Oct | Ecclesiastes 3:11 | Christianity: a “beautiful life” or a “misery”? | Amos Lim (11am Service)
20-Oct | Philippians 3:13-15 | Live Fully, Live Forward | Kok Chik Bu
27-Oct | 1 Timothy 4:7-8 | A Healthy Christian | Gan Aiching
3-Nov | Luke 15:4-7 | Our Wandering Hearts | Pr Andrew Lim
10-Nov | Romans 7:15-19 | Moving Beyond Intentions | Pr Andrew Lim
17-Nov | James 3:1-12 | Living Our Faith Through Our Words | Mr Jerry Choo
24-Nov | Daniel 4:29-34 | Our Change Factor | Pr Andrew Lim
1-Dec | Acts 2:37-43 | Relic Vs Revival | Pr Andrew Lim
8-Dec | Matthew 7:13-23 | Fleeing the Wrath to Come | Pr Andrew Lim
15-Dec | Revelation 3:14-22 | Renewal | Pr Andrew Lim
22-Dec | Isaiah 1:11-20 | Does God Despise Christmas? | Pr Andrew Lim
24-Dec (Candlelight Service) | John 1:1-4 | The Light Shines in the Darkness | Pr Hwa Jen
25-Dec (Combined Service) | Matthew 2:9-18 | The Darkside of Christmas | Pr Andrew Lim
29-Dec | John 3:1-8 | Re-Making Christmas Personal | Pr Andrew Lim